Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

All Over Print Shirts,Scented Tees,Scented Tees,Scented Tees

Fundraising Fleece Blankets

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, Blanket Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Sports Blankets for High, Stadium Blanket, Stadium Blankets, Wholesale Screen Printing, Fundraising Fleece BlankeDarren Amato

Fundraising Fleece Blankets

One of the most powerful and successful fundraising products is Fundraising Fleece Blankets.  If you think about the logic behind this … nobody ever wants to throw away a good blanket.  You can always use a good spare blanket right?  If you are a company looking for a corporate give away and you put your logo and tag line on a blanket, imagine the shelf life of that gift!

Fundraising Fleece Blankets

For fundraisers, primarily clubs, teams, organizations and schools, Fundraising Fleece Blankets are an easy, powerful and revenue generating option.  Very few screen printing companies are capable of jumbo screen printing, and when printing for Fundraising Fleece Blankets, the print area is between 35” and 38”.  Since most screen printing companies max out at 20” of print area, they fall far short of what’s required to print Fundraising Fleece Blankets.  At a 20” print on a 50” x 60” blanket, your results will look like a cookie in the middle of a sheet of paper.  It’s tasty, but not impressive.

AMBRO Manufacturing is a custom silk screen, sublimation and embroidery company in Flemington, NJ.  We print on anything made from fabric, and we manufacture specialty fabric items in a cut and sew process.  As a niche printer with custom print specialties, AMBRO Manufacturing offers Large Format Screen Printing, sometimes referred to as Jumbo Screen Printing or Oversized Screen Printing.  Our smallest “large” print is 40” x 40” so printing on Fundraising Fleece Blankets is a piece of cake.

As a contract screen printer, we work with companies of all sizes to provide high quality products and services.  We take the time to have conversations with you about what you need in each individual project.  We hit deadlines and we communicate with our customers throughout the process.

If you are interested in a Fundraising Fleece Blankets project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Stadium Blankets

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over T Shirt Printing, Stadium BlanketsDarren Amato

Stadium Blanket

One of the most powerful branding and marketing give-away items is a custom screen printed Stadium Blanket.  Mostly earning their popularity in the cold north east U.S., these custom printed Stadium Blankets are seen in football stadiums all over new England. 

Fans often sit in sub 20 degree weather to watch their favorite team, but those stands are cold and windy, and having a Stadium Blanket to keep you and your friends and family warm, is often a savior.

Stadium Blanket

Many companies are always on the lookout for a marketing give-away that will have shelf life.  A screen printed logo Stadium Blanket is exactly that!  If you think about it, everyone needs an extra blanket.  House guests need blankets, chilled football fans need blankets, and everyone on a cool winter night watching a movie on the couch needs a blanket.  Custom Logo Printed Stadium Blankets are the perfect corporate give-aways with long lasting shelf life.

If you have been searching for the perfect logo print Stadium Blanket, we would like to speak with you.  Our blankets are available in a wide range of colors and are 50” x 60” in size.  The material is soft fleece and is like a sweat shirt.  You can’t go wrong with a high quality, long lasting logo printed Stadium Blanket.

With a blanket the size of 50” x 60” the smallest logo that we recommend is 40” x 40”.  With a custom in-house machine shop, AMBRO Manufacturing can produce prints much larger, so if you want to go all out and print close to the size of the blanket, we’re game.

The custom logo printed Stadium Blanket is a time honored collegiate tradition that translates very well into the corporate world as a great gift.

If you are interested in discussing a Stadium Blanket project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.