Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

All Over Print T Shirts,Water Base Ink Screen Pri

Sublimation T Shirt Printing

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over T Shirt Printing, All Over Sublimation, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, Dye Sublimation Printing, Dye Sublimation Shirts, Oversized Screen Printing, Sublimation Printing, Sublimation, Sublimation Printing Fabr, Sublimation Shirts, Sublimation T Shirts, Sublimation T Shirt PrintDarren Amato

Sublimation T Shirt Printing

Sublimation T Shirt Printing is an exciting old method of decorating T Shirts that has experienced a major rejuvenation rejuvenation over the past few years.  Originally launched in the late 1980's, Sublimation T Shirt Printing fell out of favor because it can only be accomplished on 100% polyester cloths.

Anyone that grew up in the 1980's would tell you that wearing polyester cloths, at the time, wasn't cool.  It wasn't until the late 1990's that Nike, Under Armour, Adidas and other companies made wearing polyester the rage.

Sublimation T Shirt Printing

These high profile sports companies re-branded polyester as "Performance Fabric" and put a multi-million dollar spin on how polyester wicks sweat away from the body and helps keep the body cool and performing better.  Interestingly enough, there is no scientific evidence to prove this assertion other than from the companies themselves, but an independent laboratory with no vested interest has yet to come forward and prove that wearing polyester helps you perform any better than cotton or another fabric, but I digress ...

Here is what we do know ... Sublimation T Shirt Printing is awesome!  It produces vivid and crisp colors, photo realistic results and eye popping products.  Sublimation T Shirt Printing can produce 360 degrees of print on a T-Shirt and just look amazing.

We are not as concerned with how well you perform wearing a T-Shirts, or how cool it can help make your body, we just want you to look cool when you're wearing it. 

We're not here to argue the science behind today's moisture wicking technologies.  Here is what we do know, Sublimation Printing is cool, and you'll love it.  Contract Sublimation Printing can make your logo and design look more awesome than it's ever looked before and you can span your design in 360 degrees around the entire shirt.

If you are interested in Sublimation T Shirt Printing, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Sublimation Printing

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Sublimation, All Over T Shirt Printing, Contract T Shirt Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Custom All Over Print Shi, Dye Sublimation Printing, Dye Sublimation Shirts, Oversized Screen Printing, Sublimation Printing, Sublimation Printing Fabr, Sublimation Shirts, Sublimation T ShirtsDarren Amato

Sublimation Printing

Sublimation Printing involves the use of custom dye sublimation inks, industrial heat and pressure and polyester garments.  The preferred garment type is 100% polyester, but blends of polyester can work well with Sublimation Printing.  For example, closely related polyester fabric family members like Rayon, Nylon, Spandex, Satin and others can accept designs.

Sublimation Printing

If you've done a double take on the street after watching someone walk by with a crazy looking T-Shirt on, then you've probably seen Sublimation Printing up close and personal.  Sublimated garments are unmistakable, they are bright, colorful crisp designs with photo realistic looks that completely cover a garment.

Sublimation Printing is not very complicated, and most casual on lookers would say that the process involved to create a sublimated t-shirt looks no different that age old iron on transfers, but the truth couldn't be further.

Unlike old style iron on designs that sat on top of the shirt, Sublimation Printing fuses the design itself into the fibers of the T-Shirt.  Screen Printing, Heat Transfers, Vinyl Transfers and Foils are all sitting on top of the fabric.  If you run your hand on top of any of these designs you can feel the design work. 

With Sublimation Printing, since the artwork is fused directly into the fabric fibers, there is no feel to the design at all.  With dye sublimation it almost as if the fabric were designed before the t-shirt was sewn together.

In the past Sublimation Printing had to be done in a cut and sew project where fabric panels were cut, sublimated, then sewn together.  This ensured that there were no seams missing design.  That is partially true today, but advances in dye sublimation printing technology have enabled garment decorators like AMBRO Manufacturing to create some seamless designs on already sewn T-Shirts.  While there is some creasing, the cost differential between cut and sew projects and post sewn garments is vast, so small imperfections are often over looked.

If you are considering a Sublimation Printing project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.