Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

All-Over Printed Shirt,Foil Printing on Fabric,Foil Printing on Fabric

Jumbo Screen Printing

Jumbo Screen Printing, All Over Custom T Shirt P, All Over Print, All Over Print Screen Pri, All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Print TShirts, All Over Print Tees, All Over Printing, All Over Shirt Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Screen Printing, All Over T Shirt Printing, All-Over Printed ShirtSergio Rodriguez

Jumbo Screen Printing

What makes jumbo screen printing different from ‘standard’ size printing?  Well, if you’re thinking it has to do with size, you’re headed in the right direction.  The thing that most people don’t realize is that there are more critical differences going on behind the scenes.  Yes the process is virtually the same, but that doesn’t mean just any printing company can start jumbo screen printing.  If you are looking for a company who can provide you with jumbo screen printing, then you can come to AMBRO Manufacturing where we have all that and more!

Jumbo Screen Printing

Jumbo screen printing differs from standard size screen printing because you need the right setup to print at a large scale.  Jumbo artwork needs jumbo silk screens, but those screens need larger presses and exposure equipment.  Pretty much every aspect of the printing process has to be scaled up to adjust for the oversized artwork, and other companies out there just don’t have what it takes.  However, here at AMBRO Manufacturing, we’ve got all the right equipment already, so you won’t need to worry!  Even better than the right equipment is the fact that we have over 30 years of industry experience to back it all up!

We have the expertise to help guide you to jumbo screen printing success, so don’t worry if you aren’t a seasoned pro.  Our support staff keeps open lines of communication throughout the entire process, so you’re never alone!  We have many garment decoration options to offer you besides our jumbo screen printing services, so you’ll always have something new to try too!  So if you would like to place an order for custom jumbo screen printing, or if you would like to find out more about our company AMBRO Manufacturing and all of our garment customization services, you can contact us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.

All Over Print TShirts

All Over Print TShirts, Oversize Shirt Screen Pri, Oversized Printing Servic, Oversized Screen Printing, All Over Printing, All Over Print Tees, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print Screen Pri, All Over Print, All Over Custom T Shirt P, All Around Shirt, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Shirt Printing, All Over T Shirt Printing, All-Over Printed ShirtLeanne Phibbs

All Over Print TShirts

Walking in a crowd or even just looking at what everyone is wearing, you notice it is pretty much the same type of graphics and designs. You like to be different and stand out from everyone around you. There is a screen printing company in Flemington, New Jersey that can help you in your quest to find the most different tshirts ever.

All Over Print TShirts

AMBRO Manufacturing has been in business for over 30 years and is always coming up with new ways to print designs. Instead of the standard front or back print, you should get all over print tshirts. Having a print all over a shirt will stand out from the rest of the crowd and you will surely be noticed. There are two ways we can make all over print tshirts; screen printing and sublimation.

If you choose to use sublimation the shirt must be white and 100% polyester. This will ensure that the ink is nice and bright. Sublimation works with a special heat transfer paper where when pressed on the shirt with heat the ink gets turned into a vapor and gets dyed into the fabric itself. The image you choose to print using sublimation must be high resolution and high quality so that when we go to size it to the actual shirt size there will be no blurriness or pixels visible. We can print a full color image with sublimation so there is no need to worry about how many colors are in the design.

To have all over print tshirts using screen printing is more of a setup than sublimation. With screen printing there is more of a limit of how many colors to print, typically we print up to two with an all over design. We can print over seams and from sleeve to sleeve and top to bottom with all over prints. You will get complete coverage and it will be an iconic piece of clothing you own.

 To get all over print tshirts, you can give us a call any time at (908) 806-8337 or you can email us and we will get back to you with anything you may need to know about this type of printing.