Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract Printer,Embossing Leather,Embossing Leather,Embossing Leather

Embossed Printing

Embossing Leather, Embossing ServicesCatherine Schumacher

Embossed Printing

I’m sure you took one look at embossed printing and asked yourself what in the world that could possibly mean. Well embossed printing is when you use a machine to make an impression on an item. Embossing means you are creating a logo or design that is raised up off the item you are printing on.

With embossing you use an enormous amount of pressure and very high heat and apply it to your plate with your image or design on it. if you have been searching for someone that offers embossed printing look no further, here at AMBRO Manufacturing we not only offer screen printing and embroidery but we also offer embossed printing.

Embossed Printing

We can help you create something unique and beautiful for your embossed printing. Whether you need embossed printing for wedding invitations or maybe a new look for your restaurant menu, with over 30 years’ experience, AMBRO Manufacturing is here to help you. We are located in Flemington, NJ and with the proper tools and information we can supply you with the best embossed printing out there.

All of our printing processes are done in house which gives us control over everything from the ordering of your items, to the quality, and the delivery times. We strive to give you everything that you want with your embossed printing as well as with the other printing processes we offer.

If you are interested in more information concerning embossed printing or if you would like to place an order today for embossed printing you can email us or call us at 908-806-8337 Monday-Friday 9AM to 5PM. Or if you live in the area you are more than welcome to stop by, someone is always here to answer any questions or concerns you may have about embossed printing. So what are you waiting for?

Embossing Services

Embossing Services, Debossing, Embossing LeatherKelly Munzipapa

Embossing Services

Where can you get embossing services? How does embossing services work? What can I emboss onto? These are all very popular questions about embossing services. We see embossed items almost everywhere we go but we may have never realized that is was called embossing. Most people like the way embossed items look and feel because it is raised off of the item that was embossed. There are actually a lot of items you can emboss as well. And you will learn all about that in this article.

Embossing Services

You may ask how embossing services work, well they work by finding the right place to do the embossing for you. Embossing items is a very interesting process and has many different parts to make it all come together. First this you want to do for your embossing services is to have a die made with the logo that you will be stamping. Dies are usually made of 1 of 3 things and that is Magnesium, Brass, or Copper. The die is used to push letters or designs above the surface of the product you are embossing. Dies are also made in reverse so when you stamp the logo or words they will show up the proper way. This gives the embossing a 3 dimensional effect that will really catch the eye.

Once you have had your die made you will want to choose what you will be having embossed. You can emboss many different things like Business cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Brochures, Invitations, Certificates (Birth certificates are embossed), Greeting card, wallets and other leather items. Another great way to make the embossed logo really pop out is to use a metallic foil so it will really stand out and yell look at me. When you use Metallic foil on an embossed item it really grabs the detail and brings the whole thing to life.

So if you are looking to get embossing services done email us or call us here at AMBRO Manufacturing at (908) 806-8337.