Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract Screen Printer,Dye Sublimation Shirts

Screen Printing Plexiglass

Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Silk Screen Printing, Silk Screen Printing Serv, Screen Printing PlexiglasKelly Munzipapa

Screen Printing Plexiglass

The best way to print plexiglass is screen printing. Your standard screen printing tools can be used to screen print plexiglass. When screen printing plexiglass you must give the ink a considerable amount of time to dry so the ink becomes hard and it will maintain the integrity and durability of your print. You also must use specialty inks that are made just for screen printing plexiglass. If you do not use the special screen printing inks made for plexiglass it will take double the amount of time to dry and will not last as long.

Screen Printing Plexiglass

How do you screen print plexiglass you may ask? Well to start you must create an image that you would like screen printed onto your desired piece of plexiglass. Once you have created your image that you would like screen printed onto plexiglass you then will send the image from the computer to a film printer and print out films for your image. There will be a film for each color in your design. Once your films have been printed then they will be taken to be burned into a screen. Once your screens are burned you will then take it to press and screens print your image onto your desired plexiglass. Then you let your image dry to the plexiglass which could take a bit of time. Pretty easy process huh!

Now you may be asking yourself “Where can I get screen printing plexiglass done”? AMBRO Manufacturing is your destination for screen printing plexiglass. We will help you create your images and we will screen print your plexiglass for you.

All you have to do is give us all the small details of how and what you would like done. So give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us and see what we can do for you and screen printing your plexiglass.

Custom Screen Print Shirts

Custom Screen Print Shirt, T Shirt Screen Printing, T-Shirt Printing Company, Silk Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Screen Printing Prices, Oversized Screen Printing, Large Format Silk Screen, Large Format Fabric Print, East Coast Embroidery, East Coast Screen Printin, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen PrintingKelly Munzipapa

Custom Screen Print Shirts

Are you and your family taking a big family vacation this year? Do you want to have something to remember the trip by that won’t cost you a fortune from one of the tourist stores? Well getting some custom screen print shirts would be a great idea. You can get your family name printed onto the shirts and a logo for where you might be going. You can create it any way you would like to. Get creative and create something new and exciting for your family vacation with custom screen print shirts. You get to make all of the decisions on how you want your shirts to look.

Custom Screen Print Shirts

With custom screen print shirts you can go above and beyond. You get to create anything and anything with custom printed shirts. All you need to do is pick out what style of shirts you would like for the entire family, what color everyone may like, what design or fraise you might want to add to the design, and all the colors you would like you logo to be in. There are no limits with custom screen print shirts.

Now all you have to do is find a place that can do custom screen print shirts, and guess what you have found it! Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we are a contract screen printing and embroidery company that would love to help you out with your special project. Give us a call to see exactly how to get started on your custom screen print shirts. We will help you every step of the way with your custom screen print shirts. We want you to have the best vacation shirts ever! We will even help you with your art, because we have an artist right here on staff that will help you perfect your artwork!

So give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us and we can set you up with your custom screen print shirts.