Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract Screen Printer,Embossing Services

Embossing Services

Embossing Services, Debossing, Embossing LeatherKelly Munzipapa

Embossing Services

Where can you get embossing services? How does embossing services work? What can I emboss onto? These are all very popular questions about embossing services. We see embossed items almost everywhere we go but we may have never realized that is was called embossing. Most people like the way embossed items look and feel because it is raised off of the item that was embossed. There are actually a lot of items you can emboss as well. And you will learn all about that in this article.

Embossing Services

You may ask how embossing services work, well they work by finding the right place to do the embossing for you. Embossing items is a very interesting process and has many different parts to make it all come together. First this you want to do for your embossing services is to have a die made with the logo that you will be stamping. Dies are usually made of 1 of 3 things and that is Magnesium, Brass, or Copper. The die is used to push letters or designs above the surface of the product you are embossing. Dies are also made in reverse so when you stamp the logo or words they will show up the proper way. This gives the embossing a 3 dimensional effect that will really catch the eye.

Once you have had your die made you will want to choose what you will be having embossed. You can emboss many different things like Business cards, Letterheads, Envelopes, Brochures, Invitations, Certificates (Birth certificates are embossed), Greeting card, wallets and other leather items. Another great way to make the embossed logo really pop out is to use a metallic foil so it will really stand out and yell look at me. When you use Metallic foil on an embossed item it really grabs the detail and brings the whole thing to life.

So if you are looking to get embossing services done email us or call us here at AMBRO Manufacturing at (908) 806-8337.

Wholesale Screen Printing

All Over T Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printer, Large Format Silk Screen, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Shirt Screen Printing, Silk Screen Printers, Silk Screen Printing, T Shirt Screen Printing, T-Shirt Printing Company, T-Shirt Silk ScreeningKelly Munzipapa

Wholesale Screen Printing

So many people ask the question, How does wholesale screen printing work? Well wholesale screen printing is a very interesting process and you wouldn’t believe how much goes into wholesale screen printing.

First you will want to send your art work that you would like on your garment. You will want to send your art work for your wholesale screen printing job in a high resolution. You will want the art work to be in 300 DPI, dots per image, in an AI or EPS file. If you can provide this you will avoid getting charge for art work for you wholesale screen printing job.

Wholesale Screen Printing

Next step is to have films made for your wholesale screen printing job. You will want to have a film made for each color that is in your image. If you are printing on a darker color you will need another screen of the entire image for your under base. When you have given us a high resolution image that we have used to print the films it will allow our for a better screen exposure forbetter lines and dots.

Next step you will want to have an exposure box which is a box with light in it. There you will want to place your films between the glass and the lights and place your screen with emulsion on it on the opposite side of the film. Anywhere where the light does not hit the screen the emulsion will just wash way with water. Before you burn the screens you do want to spread a thin even layer of emulsion over the entire screen. You will also want to make sure you store your screens in a dark room so they are not exposed to light.

Now you will want to let your screens dry and once they are dry you can set them up for printing. First you will want to make sure to register your screens to be sure that everything will line up properly. Once that is all set us you can go ahead and start the printing process and at the end of it all you will have your wholesale screen printed product.

If you are looking for someone who can supply you with wholesale screen printing email us or contact us here at AMBRO Manufacturing at (908) 806-8337 and we can help you out.