Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract Screen Printers,The T Shirt Printers

Silk Screen Printing Services

All Over Screen Printing, All Over Print T Shirts, Bulk T-Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, Four Color Process Screen, Full T Shirt Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Screen Printing and Embro, Screen Printing NYC, Oversized Screen Printing, Silk Screen Printing, Screen Printing Prices, Screen Printing Services, Silk Screen Printing T Sh, Sublimation Printing, Silk Screen Printing ServDarren Amato

Silk Screen Printing Services

With over 30 years of experience in garment, textile and clothing decoration services, AMBRO Manufacturing is a privately owned, hiqh-quality, reasonably priced company that specializes in Silk Screen Printing Services.

Silk Screen Printing Services

When you are searching for a Silk Screen Printing Services partner, it’s important to understand the capabilities, turn-around time, customer communication practices and quality of the potential partner that you are interviewing.

Silk Screen Printing Services Capabilities – Does your prospective partner offer the types of services that you need to complete your current work load?  Do they have services that you don’t currently use but could offer to your customer network?  Do they continually invest in capabilities for the future so that you can grow with them?

Silk Screen Printing Services Turn-Around Time – Does your prospective partner have the capacity to produce your work load in an acceptable time frame?  How important will your jobs be when your screen printing partner is in the middle of their busy season?  Will they commit to hitting deliverability dates?  What happens if they miss?

Silk Screen Printing Services Customer Communication Practices – When you want to talk with your screen printer, will they answer the phone?  How long will it take them to respond to emails?  Can you visit them if you need to?  Will they ask you questions if they have concerns or just mindlessly print what you sent them even if there are errors in what you sent?

Silk Screen Printing Services Quality of Goods – Have you reviewed the quality of your screen printers work?  Do they consistently produce high quality work?  What happens to the quality of their work when they are rushed?  How do they handle it when they make mistakes?

If you are interested in Silk Screen Printing Services, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Dye Sublimation Shirts, Dye Sublimation Printing, East Coast Screen Printin, Full T Shirt Printing, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, T Shirt Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen Printing, Four Color Process ScreenDarren Amato

Four Color Process Screen Printing

There are a few options for designers when considering a multiple color, photo realistic T-Shirt or other garment.  The primary process is Four Color Process Screen Printing with Simulated Four Color Process Screen Printing as a second option and Sublimation Printing as a third option.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

The process of Four Color Process Screen Printing is typically used on a white shirt to create photo realistic results.  An experienced screen printer like AMBRO Manufacturing will work with your design team to develop the color separations for your Four Color Process Screen Printing project.

Artwork in a JPG, BMP, PNG or other common format is separated into CMYK values and using specialized separation software, sequences of print are calculated to achieve the multi color result.

Once the color separations are completed, and the screens are burned, your screen printer can begin printing your Four Color Process Screen Printing just like any other screen print job.  The main differences in Four Color Process Screen Printing vs. traditional screen printing, is the type of inks used. 

Opaque / See Thru, inks are used in a 4 color process printing job.  This enables inks to lay on top of each other to create multiple colors out of 4 basic colors.  It is for this reason that the white background or white shirt is so critical.  White is one of the colors that is used to create the effect of the other colors.   Since the inks are opaque, the white base is a component of the color results.

If you need to have a shirt other than white for Four Color Process Screen Printing, then you will need to speak with your contract screen printer about using Simulated Four Color Process Screen Printing, which involves more than 4 colors.

If you are interested in Four Color Process Screen Printing, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.