Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract Shirt Printing,Wholesale Clothing Screen

Screen Printing Sweatpants

All Over Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Screen Printing Sweatpant, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale Clothing Screen, Silk Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Screen Printing PricesCatherine Schumacher

Screen Printing Sweatpants

Are you a dance coach and looking for something for your girls to wear when they go to competitions during the cold seasons that will not only keep them warm but also represent your dance company? Did you ever think about screen printing sweatpants? Screen printing sweatpants are sweatpants that are printed with a design, logo, or name down either the right or left leg or even the hip or back. Screen printing is a printing process where screen sin frames are coated with a photosensitive emulsion, dried with a light and then burned with the artwork. Once that process is done they are then loaded up onto a screen printing press they are covered with ink and transferred to the sweatpants.

Screen Printing Sweatpants

What makes our screen printing sweatpants different from others is that we can print the artwork up to 36”! That’s then entire pant leg from the waist to the bottom of the pant leg. We achieve this with jumbo screen printing. We also offer different styles of sweatpants in up to 12 different colors! The styles we offer are opened or closed bottom, sweatpants with or without pockets and drawstring and elastic waistbands, as well as men’s, women’s and children’s.   Not only do we offer our sweatpants in up to 12 different colors but we also offer a large variety of ink colors and you can choose your design to be up to 4 different colors!

Like I said before say you were a dance coach and looking for something for your girls to wear. You can get them each a pair of black screen printing sweatpants with the dance companies name going down the left leg and there last name going down the right in white ink. If whites not your thing you can always get the ink in a shimmer gold or silver! If you would like to place an order please call (908) 806-8337 or email us today.

Wholesale Clothing Screen Printing

Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printing, Custom Screen Printed T-s, Large Format Silk Screen, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Print Blankets, Screen Printed Jackets, Screen Printing Services, Screen Printing Prices, Sublimation Printing, Wholesale Clothing ScreenKelly Munzipapa

Wholesale Clothing Screen Printing

Are you looking to get wholesale clothing screen printing? Are you looking for a company that can do wholesale clothing screen printing? Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we can do all of your wholesale clothing screen printing.

AMBRO Manufacturing is a contract screen printer and embroidery company located in Hunterdon county New Jersey. We pride ourselves in the work we do for our customers. We can help you with your wholesale clothing screen printing needs. Whether you want t-shirts, pants, shorts, tank tops, bras, hoodies, or even hats we can screen print on all of those garments for you. We also have very competitive wholesale pricing.  You can find our pricing here at under our pricing. We will help you with any questions or concerns you may have on your wholesale clothing screen printing orders.

Wholesale Clothing Screen Printing

With wholesale clothing screen printing you can do so much and you have so many options to play with. You get to choose what clothing you would like to put the screen printing on. You get to pick the logo that will go your clothing. You get to choose what ink colors you would like your wholesale clothing screen printing in. You also get to choose where you would like the logo placed on the garments. We have a pretty simple process that your order will go through. It starts out by one of our employees taking your order, then you would either have your items drop shipped to us or we would order them. Then your order would go to our art department where our artist would create your artwork. From the art department it will go to get the screens burned. Then it is headed to be printed. And that is how your wholesale clothing screen printing works!

At AMBRO Manufacturing we have a lovely staff that would love to help you start your order for your wholesale clothing screen printing. So give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us and we will help you out with all of your wholesale clothing screen printing orders.