Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract T Shirt Printing,Custom All Over Print Shi

Sublimation Printing Fabric

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Sublimation, All Over T Shirt Printing, Bulk T-Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, Custom All Over Print Shi, Dye Sublimation Printing, Dye Sublimation Shirts, East Coast Screen Printin, Full T Shirt Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing NYC, Screen Printing Prices, Screen Printing Services, Sublimation Printing, Sublimation, Sublimation Printing FabrDarren Amato

Sublimation Printing Fabric

The process of Sublimation Printing Fabric has been around since the early 1990's.  It lost popularity because nobody wanted to wear polyester clothing and custom dye sublimation doesn't work without polyester fabrics.  Blends of polyester and other fabrics can work, and polyester family members like Rayon, Nylon, Satin and Spandex will also work, but the more diluted a fabric is away from polyester, the worse the print will look

Sublimation Printing Fabric

When considering a Sublimation Printing Fabric project, you will want to speak with an expert well in advance of investing your time and money.  Sublimation printing typically comes in two different "flavors".  The first type is cut and sew sublimation, the second is post sewn garment sublimation.

In a cut and sew Sublimation Printing Fabric situation, fabric panels are cut to size and then sublimated flat.  They are then sewn into the finished garment.  The result is a spectacular 360 degree print, neck, sleeves, waist etc ...

In a post sewn Sublimation Printing Fabric project, the sublimation printing is done on a garment that has already been finished.  This presents some issues in that folding occurs and some areas can be left blank or white. 

When compared to the cost of a cut and sew Sublimation Printing Fabric project and a post sewn project, the minor issues with folding may be acceptable to the customer.

Not all sublimation printing companies are the same.  Companies like AMBRO Manufacturing have been involved in cut and sew and garment decorating with sublimation, screen printing and embroidery for over 30 years.  Other companies may be new to the process and the results of your project can very greatly.

If you are interested in a Sublimation Printing Fabric project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

All Over Printing

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Sublimation, All Over T Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Custom All Over Print Shi, Dye Sublimation Printing, East Coast Screen Printin, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

All Over Printing

The all-over print of a T-Shirt is achieved by using screens that are much larger than those used by standard screen printing presses. AMBRO Manufacturing uses an entirely different press for these types of jumbo screen printing jobs.  Our specialty screens can cover an entire short sleeve t-shirt up to size 3XL.

For All Over Printing, our minimum shirt requirement is a 144-piece minimum. For jobs with more than one color, we have a 288-piece minimum and use a much larger screen or we transition from screen printing to dye sublimation, depending on the artwork and the customers requirements.

All Over Printing

Our largest All Over Printing press can cover an American Apparel type shirt completely up to the mans  size medium. The jobs on this machine have a 288-piece minimum.

The nature of these printing methods can create unique imperfections in the print area, especially if your project requires dye sublimation vs. All Over Print Screen Printing, these imperfections typically occur around the neck, seams, and armpit area so we consider anything within a half of an inch registration to be acceptable where full printing contact cannot be made.

Creases in the garment can cause absence of print in areas as well. We do the absolute best that we can to avoid or minimize these types of issues but it is impossible to guarantee a perfect strike each time, and it is for this reason, we are unable to guarantee that designs on seams will print perfectly.  The proper artwork can go a long way in masking these issues with All Over Printing, and speaking with you contract screen printer in advance can be a valuable use of time prior to the start of your project.

In order for the garment to lay perfectly flat, they are ironed before they get printed.  Due to the complexity of all-over prints there will be a minimum 2-week production time.  Faster delivery may be possible depending on the current workload of the production floor.

The main difference between printing standard sizes of designs and all-over printing is in the total printable surface area.  All Over Printing means covering a shirt from neck to waist, sleeve to sleeve, or all over the front.

All Over Printing is amazing. The ability to print anywhere on the shirt is really a liberating and fun aspect for designers, consumers, and vendors alike. Since the coverage area on all-over prints is so great, we use soft-hand inks or use an additive to standard inks to give them a soft feel. 

If you are interested in All Over Printing, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.