Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Contract T Shirt Printing,Screen Printing NJ

Contract Screen Printing

Contract Screen Printers, Contract T Shirt Printing, Full T Shirt PrintingKelly Munzipapa

Contract Screen Printing

So when our owner of the Company AMBRO Manufacturing along with the President and VP of the company were asked what they would consider the definition of contract screen printing would be here is what they said. The owner and operator Bob said “Contract screen printing is when the customer provides their own good and we are to check there goods in when they arrive on our property.”  What our president Ryan had to say was “Contract screen printing is when a customer provides their own goods on a weekly or monthly basis, a customer who brings their own goods in once is considered a retail costumer. Also a contract customer would supply a reseller number for tax purposes.” And this is what our VP Darren had to say “Contract screen printing is when someone hires us to do their printing on their garments.

Contract Screen Printing

So basically from the definitions we have heard from our Owner, President, and VP we get that in contract screen printing the customer is to provide their own goods and most of their artwork and we will print it for them. With contract screen printing it is where you have clientele who bring large orders along with supplied garments right to us. Once your garments get to us we will count them in to make sure all the garments are here before we go any further. After that your order will get sent to our highly skilled artist who will take your artwork and turn it into a film that we can burn the screens with. After the screens are burned the garments along with the screens will be sent to the press where your art work will be printed onto your goods. And that is how it works.

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we are a Contract screen printing company we can help you out with anything you need for contract screen printing. We have a highly educated staff that will work with you step by step to get you exactly what you are looking for.  

If you are interested in a Contract Screen Printing project give us today (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

Contract Screen Printing, Contract T Shirt Printing, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

Four Color Process Screen Printing

One of the most amazing and beautiful types of screen printing on garments comes from the process of Four Color Process Screen Printing.  Using a special sequence of color separation and application, combined with special translucent inks and typically, but not always necessary, a white background, screen printers that specialize in Four Color Process Screen Printing can produce amazing results.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

If you’ve ever seen a photo realistic screen print, then you’ve looked at a garment that was either dye sublimated or screen printed using CMYK and a process called Four Color Process Screen Printing.  This should not be confused with Simulated Four Color Process Screen Printing, that may contain an additional 3 plates of color.

When using Four Color Process Printing to produce picture realistic garments, screen printers separate colors using expensive and specialized software that pulls each and every pixel out and places it on the proper color plate for sequential printing.

Since 4 color process inks are translucent, white garments are typically needed to achieve the desired effect, however, experienced screen printing companies can often provide spectacular Four Color Process Screen Printing results on black or other dark garments.

While many screen printers will say that they can provide process printing, you’ll want to clarify that you are not referring to a 4 color design, rather a multi-color design that is achieved through the use of only CMYK. 

Be aware that Four Color Process Screen Printing is not typical with most screen printers, and only specialty screen printing companies practice this method.  While you may love your existing screen printer, Four Color Process Screen Printing may be something outside of their reach, unless they provide this service regularly.

If you are interested in a Four Color Process Screen Printing project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.