Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Custom Beanies,Custom Flannel Pants

Custom Screen Printing Hats

Custom Screen Printing Ha, Caps, Contract Screen Printing, Custom Baseball Caps, Custom Beanies, Custom Embroidery Hats, Hats, Wholesale Screen PrintingKelly Munzipapa

Custom Screen Printing Hats

Most of the time when we think about hats that have logos on them we think of embroidered logos on the hats. But hats do not only have to be embroidered with a logo they can be custom screen printing hats as well. You can create custom screen printing hats of your own if you would like to. You may have seen custom screen printing hats before but have never realized that they were screen printed. One of the most popular hats to get screen printed are known as the trucker hats. Trucker hats are great for screen printing on because they have a smooth surface on the front and are very tall. But you can do custom screen printing hats on hats other than trucker hats.

Custom Screen Printing Hats

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we can do custom screen printing hats for you. We have all of the necessities to provide you with custom screen printing hats. One thing to remember when you choose to do custom screen printing hats is that you can only screen print a logo onto hats that is 2” high or smaller. If you go higher than 2” high when doing custom screen printing hats you will lose half of your logo because it will not print onto the hats. The great thing about custom screen printing hats is that they are customized by you. You get to choose what style hats you would like your custom screen printing hats to be, you also get to choose the color or colors of that hats you would like to use for your custom screen printing hats. You also get to choose what you would like screen printed onto the hats.

So if you would like to get some custom screen printing hats please feel free to email us or give us a call here at AMBRO Manufacturing at (908) 806-8337.

Custom Beanies

Custom Beanies, Embroidery, Embroidered Corporate App, East Coast EmbroideryCatherine Schumacher

Custom Beanies

Do you own a landscaping business and looking for something that will not only keep your employees warm in the fall and winter but will also get your name out there? Why not try custom beanies. Custom beanies are hats that are embroidered with your logo or a design of your choosing. Embroidery is the handicraft of decorating something with needle and thread. Custom beanies will not only keep your employees heads warm but will also get your business name out they when they are worn.

Custom Beanies

AMBRO Manufacturing is a custom embroidery and screen printing shop based out of Flemington, NJ and we can help you get all your custom beanie jobs done. Whether you need custom beanies for your employees or if you run a school store and need them for that we can help you get the job done. We have a large selection of beanies for you to choose from in a variety of different colors and styles. We also have a variety of different color threads to choose from as well so I’m sure you will find something you like in our selection.

For example say you wanted to get some hats made for your school store you can choose black beanies and get the school logo embroidered on the front center, you could also get the students names embroidered somewhere on the hat as well. There are many different ideas you can come up with for your custom beanies. We do all of our embroidery and screen printing processes in house which gives us control over production time and overall quality of the product. We strive to have communication with you throughout your time working with us and our typical turnaround time is 7-10 business days. If you would like to learn more about custom beanies or if you would like to order your very own custom beanies call (908) 806-8337 or email us today so we can get the process going.