Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Custom Blankets,Wholesale Screen Printing

All Over Screen Printing

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Sublimation, All Over T Shirt Printing, Bulk T-Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, Custom All Over Print Shi, Digital Textile Printing, Dye Sublimation Printing, Dye Sublimation Shirts, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Sublimation Printing, Sublimation Printing Fabr, Sublimation Shirts, Sublimation T Shirt Print, Sublimation T Shirts, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

All Over Screen Printing

All Over Screen Printing is the process of using traditional screen printing technology, and applying a wider and longer stroke to completely cover the T-Shirt with a design on the neck, sleeves and waist.

Most screen printers that tout oversized screen printing can offer no more than 16" x 16", and while that's a decent sized print, it is nowhere near the 40" x 40" that AMBRO Manufacturing can produce.

All Over Screen Printing

As a true provider of All Over Screen Printing, AMBRO Manufacturing can produce amazing all over shirt prints that will wow your customers. 

There are two types of technologies used for an all over shirt print.  The first and oldest method is All Over Screen Printing, using traditional silk screen equipment.  Using jumbo screen printing presses, over sized screens and other special equipment, screen printers equipped with this type of technology can create the look and feel of screen printing on your t-shirt.

The second method is all over custom dye sublimation.  Custom Dye Sublimation uses only polyester garments that start white, and end up brilliantly decorated with your design.  Custom dyes along with industrial heat and pressure create vivid, sharp and photo realistic on your garment.

The differences between the two types of technologies used for All Over Screen Printing are drastic.  Screen printing will leave a touch to the design.  Running your hand over the top of the shirt will result in a feel to it.  Sublimation dyes the design or logo directly into the fabric, leaving no touch at all to the garment.

Depending on your desired outcome and the individual use of each garment, your specialized garment decorator can help you determine which method of All Over Screen Printing should be used.

If you are interested in oversized or jumbo screen printing, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Wholesale Screen Printing

Bulk T-Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, East Coast Screen Printin, Screen Printing NYC, Screen Printing Prices, Screen Printing Services, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

Wholesale Screen Printing

As a Wholesale Screen Printing company, AMBRO Manufacturing has been providing high quality contract screen printing services to the trade for over 30 years.  Unlike many wholesale screen printing companies, AMBRO Manufacturing does everything under one roof.  AMBRO Manufacturing does not outsource our work to over seas companies nor other providers, we proudly do everything right here in Flemington, NJ

Wholesale Screen Printing

When searching for a high quality and fairly priced Wholesale Screen Printing partner that can meet your deadlines and will communicate well with you, there are some factors to consider that will help you to identify the best partner for you.

Typically Wholesale Screen Printing companies fall into three categories. 

Category 1 - Small mom and pop shops, either franchised or working from their basement or garage.  These types of Wholesale Screen Printing companies provide great customer service, and quality can be very good.  Some of the draw backs with these types of companies are that they often get overwhelmed and can not always meet your deadline.  They want to ... but when you are a one man or one woman shop or even a small 3 person shop, there are only so many hours in a day so on time delivery may be an issue with these types of Wholesale Screen Printing companies.

Category 2 - Medium sized companies.  A step or three above the mom and pop, you will find companies that have upgraded to a facility outside of the home, but may still only have small equipment that can produce good quality, but is slow.  These companies typically have a few employees and some added benefits of a retail space to visit, but can be buried with work and unable to communicate with you because they are doing the work.  In these companies, the division of work often doesn't happen, so the person that takes your order, is the artist, the person that prints your order and the person that bills your order.  These companies can produce great work as well, but can be buried by other jobs and you may be low person on the totem pole to them.

Category 3 - Large companies.  Several steps above the other two categories, these Wholesale Screen Printing companies often have several automatic presses, work in large facilities and have no problems meeting deadlines.  However, these companies often lack communication, the personal touch and are ridged in what they do for you.  You often won't see any benefits here, they are a "you pick it, we stick it" shop.

There are of course hybrids to each of the categories above.  Doing research before you need a Wholesale Screen Printing company can afford you the time that you need to find a high quality partner.

If you are looking for a hybrid, high quality Wholesale Screen Printing company, AMBRO Manufacturing would be interested in speaking with you.  Please give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.