Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Custom Blankets,Wholesale Screen Printing

Custom Blankets

All Over Screen Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Stadium Blanket, Stadium Blankets, Custom BlanketsDarren Amato

Custom Blankets

AMBRO Manufacturing provides Custom Blankets with oversized screen printing logos.  One of our niche specialties is jumbo screen printing and oversized screen printing.

Custom Blankets

One of the best items to sell in any spirit shop is Custom Blankets with the school, group or organization logo printed in large format on the front.  Custom Blankets have a long shelf life and literally last a lifetime.

Our Custom Blankets are 50” x 60” in size and are available in both standard fleece (sweat shirt material) and waterproof.  The waterproof Custom Blankets are fleece on one side and nylon, similar to a windbreaker on the other.  Both versions can be printed on.

The recommended and custom layout for print is landscape, with a 35” to 38” and centered.  We also recommend a one color print.  For printing this large, any logo will work, but fine details will have to be removed in order for the print to look amazing.  For example, a fire station logo with fine details in the Maltese cross may need to be modified in order for the print to look its best.

Customers can order Custom Blankets with up to 4 colors in the logo, but we recommend 1 color for the best results and the most economical setup and printing for your order.

Blankets typically cost around $25.00 each with a minimum order of 48 pieces (for 1 color prints).  Our Custom Blankets are available in a wide range of different colors and are heavy weight fleece for warmth and style.

If you’ve never worked on a custom stadium blanket order before, doesn’t worry, our custom oversized screen printing specialists will walk you through every step of the process.

If you are interested in Custom Blankets, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

Contract Screen Printing, Contract T Shirt Printing, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

Four Color Process Screen Printing

One of the most amazing and beautiful types of screen printing on garments comes from the process of Four Color Process Screen Printing.  Using a special sequence of color separation and application, combined with special translucent inks and typically, but not always necessary, a white background, screen printers that specialize in Four Color Process Screen Printing can produce amazing results.

Four Color Process Screen Printing

If you’ve ever seen a photo realistic screen print, then you’ve looked at a garment that was either dye sublimated or screen printed using CMYK and a process called Four Color Process Screen Printing.  This should not be confused with Simulated Four Color Process Screen Printing, that may contain an additional 3 plates of color.

When using Four Color Process Printing to produce picture realistic garments, screen printers separate colors using expensive and specialized software that pulls each and every pixel out and places it on the proper color plate for sequential printing.

Since 4 color process inks are translucent, white garments are typically needed to achieve the desired effect, however, experienced screen printing companies can often provide spectacular Four Color Process Screen Printing results on black or other dark garments.

While many screen printers will say that they can provide process printing, you’ll want to clarify that you are not referring to a 4 color design, rather a multi-color design that is achieved through the use of only CMYK. 

Be aware that Four Color Process Screen Printing is not typical with most screen printers, and only specialty screen printing companies practice this method.  While you may love your existing screen printer, Four Color Process Screen Printing may be something outside of their reach, unless they provide this service regularly.

If you are interested in a Four Color Process Screen Printing project, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.