Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Embroidered Fleece Blanke,Custom Hats,Custom Hats,Custom Hats,Custom Hats

Custom Printed Polo T-Shirts

Custom Printed Polo T-Shi, Embroidered Fleece Blanke, Embroidered Dress Shirts, Embroidered Corporate App, Embroidered Polos, Polo EmbroideryDarren Amato

Custom Printed Polo T-Shirts

When businesses start to research the possibility of getting custom polo shirts, they generally are looking for embroidered shirts. Embroidered shirts are awesome. They look good, they convey professionalism and reliability. The best work to describe them is “regal”. However, for some small businesses, the setup investment and per polo price may be outside of their budget. Launching a business on a shoestring is challenging but Custom Printed Polo T-Shirts can help.

Similar to embroidered polo shirts, Custom Printed Polo T-Shirts offer the same clean and professional look, but instead of embroidery, the logo is screen printed. Ink vs. Thread is the difference. Both look crisp and professional. If your business is on a budget but you are still seeking that professional look, then using screen printing on a polo shirt can save you 50% in setup costs and 30% on the finished product.

Many start up companies or companies with a tight marketing budget will opt for printed polo shirts over t-shirts because the collar adds to the professionalism and clean look.

If you are interested in Custom Printed Polo T-Shirts, then please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Custom Hats

Custom Hats, Embroidered HatsSergio Rodriguez

Custom Hats

If you want to make custom hats with your own logos or designs then you can come to AMBRO Manufacturing because we have the decoration services you’ll need to make it happen.  AMBRO Manufacturing is a contract apparel customization company with over 30 years in the business so we have tons of options for you to choose from. You can make custom hats for any purpose or occasion, so don’t be shy and see what you can do here with us.

If you don’t know the first thing about making custom hats, don’t panic just yet because our team is here to help.  We always keep open lines of communication throughout the process to ensure you can have any questions answered and receive guidance whenever necessary.  All you really need is your creative vision for the final product and we can handle the rest. We do all of our production right here in our own facility which means we can oversee all aspects of the process to maintain excellent quality control.  You can definitely rely on us to deliver high quality work each and every time!

Custom Hats

It’s easy to get your first project for custom hats started with us as all you need to do is reach out to one of our representatives and we’ll be able to show you the way.  You won’t even need to leave your home or office to get it done either because you can do it remotely. You can contract our services over the phone or through the internet and have them shipped right to you, so it’s as convenient as can be.  So if you are interested in placing an order with us for custom hats, or if you would like to learn more about our company and all of the customization services we have to offer, you can contact us by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.