Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Jumbo Garment Printing,Customized Scarves and Be

Jumbo Garment Printing

Jumbo Garment Printing, Jumbo Screen Printing, Oversized Printing Servic, Oversized Screen Printing, Oversize Shirt Screen PriSergio Rodriguez

Jumbo Garment Printing

Customized garment printing is pretty common, but it’s not as common to find companies that offer jumbo garment printing.  Jumbo garment printing means using oversized artwork to customize clothing, but to a printing company that means having the right setup in place to even be able to offer it!  That’s why it can be hard to find a jumbo garment printing company, but luckily for you it won’t be today because you can come to AMBRO Manufacturing.  AMBRO Manufacturing has the customization services you need to create those jumbo prints you’ve always wanted to do and so much more.

Jumbo Garment Printing

Since we’ve been in business for over 3 decades we’ve been able to gather all of the proper components for top notch jumbo garment printing.  We have oversized printing equipment and large format silk screens that can hold massive designs.  Not only do we have the right equipment, we also used water based inks for oversized prints so that you won’t feel like you’re wearing a bulletproof garment.  Water based inks are thinner than the typical plastisol printing inks used in screen printing so you are left with a softer hand to the print without having to sacrifice quality.  So you can cover your whole garment in a print and still feel comfortable while wearing it!

If you are new to jumbo garment printing you might not know where to avoid common pitfalls, but don’t forget you have AMBRO Manufacturing to back you up.  Our support staff is here throughout the entire process to provide guidance and answer questions whenever necessary, so there is no reason why you can’t achieve customization success.  It’s easy to get your own projects started with us as all you have to do is reach out to one of our representatives and we’ll be happy to show you the way.  You can contact us to place an order, or to find out more about our company and all of the customization services we have to offer, by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.