Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Screen Printing Designs,Wholesale Screen Printing

Screen Printing Sweatpants

All Over Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Screen Printing Sweatpant, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale Clothing Screen, Silk Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Screen Printing PricesCatherine Schumacher

Screen Printing Sweatpants

Are you a dance coach and looking for something for your girls to wear when they go to competitions during the cold seasons that will not only keep them warm but also represent your dance company? Did you ever think about screen printing sweatpants? Screen printing sweatpants are sweatpants that are printed with a design, logo, or name down either the right or left leg or even the hip or back. Screen printing is a printing process where screen sin frames are coated with a photosensitive emulsion, dried with a light and then burned with the artwork. Once that process is done they are then loaded up onto a screen printing press they are covered with ink and transferred to the sweatpants.

Screen Printing Sweatpants

What makes our screen printing sweatpants different from others is that we can print the artwork up to 36”! That’s then entire pant leg from the waist to the bottom of the pant leg. We achieve this with jumbo screen printing. We also offer different styles of sweatpants in up to 12 different colors! The styles we offer are opened or closed bottom, sweatpants with or without pockets and drawstring and elastic waistbands, as well as men’s, women’s and children’s.   Not only do we offer our sweatpants in up to 12 different colors but we also offer a large variety of ink colors and you can choose your design to be up to 4 different colors!

Like I said before say you were a dance coach and looking for something for your girls to wear. You can get them each a pair of black screen printing sweatpants with the dance companies name going down the left leg and there last name going down the right in white ink. If whites not your thing you can always get the ink in a shimmer gold or silver! If you would like to place an order please call (908) 806-8337 or email us today.

Screen Printing Plexiglass

Screen Printing Plexiglas, Wholesale Screen Printing, Oversized Screen PrintingKelly Munzipapa

Screen Printing Plexiglass

The best way to print plexiglass is screen printing. Your standard screen printing tools can be used to screen print plexiglass. When screen printing plexiglass you must give the ink a considerable amount of time to dry so the ink becomes hard and it will maintain the integrity and durability of your print. You also must use specialty inks that are made just for screen printing plexiglass. If you do not use the special screen printing inks made for plexiglass it will take double the amount of time to dry and will not last as long.

Screen Printing Plexiglass

How do you screen print plexiglass you may ask? Well to start you must create an image that you would like screen printed onto your desired piece of plexiglass. Once you have created your image that you would like screen printed onto plexiglass you then will send the image from the computer to a film printer and print out films for your image. There will be a film for each color in your design. Once your films have been printed then they will be taken to be burned into a screen. Once your screens are burned you will then take it to press and screens print your image onto your desired plexiglass. Then you let your image dry to the plexiglass which could take a bit of time. Pretty easy process huh!

Now you may be asking yourself “Where can I get screen printing plexiglass done”? AMBRO Manufacturing is your destination for screen printing plexiglass. We will help you create your images and we will screen print your plexiglass for you. All you have to do is give us all the small details of how and what you would like done. So give us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us and see what we can do for you and screen printing your plexiglass.