Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

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Custom Blankets

All Over Screen Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Stadium Blanket, Stadium Blankets, Custom BlanketsDarren Amato

Custom Blankets

AMBRO Manufacturing provides Custom Blankets with oversized screen printing logos.  One of our niche specialties is jumbo screen printing and oversized screen printing.

Custom Blankets

One of the best items to sell in any spirit shop is Custom Blankets with the school, group or organization logo printed in large format on the front.  Custom Blankets have a long shelf life and literally last a lifetime.

Our Custom Blankets are 50” x 60” in size and are available in both standard fleece (sweat shirt material) and waterproof.  The waterproof Custom Blankets are fleece on one side and nylon, similar to a windbreaker on the other.  Both versions can be printed on.

The recommended and custom layout for print is landscape, with a 35” to 38” and centered.  We also recommend a one color print.  For printing this large, any logo will work, but fine details will have to be removed in order for the print to look amazing.  For example, a fire station logo with fine details in the Maltese cross may need to be modified in order for the print to look its best.

Customers can order Custom Blankets with up to 4 colors in the logo, but we recommend 1 color for the best results and the most economical setup and printing for your order.

Blankets typically cost around $25.00 each with a minimum order of 48 pieces (for 1 color prints).  Our Custom Blankets are available in a wide range of different colors and are heavy weight fleece for warmth and style.

If you’ve never worked on a custom stadium blanket order before, doesn’t worry, our custom oversized screen printing specialists will walk you through every step of the process.

If you are interested in Custom Blankets, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.

Stadium Blanket

All Over Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Large Format Fabric Print, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Printing Services, Stadium Blankets, Stadium BlanketDarren Amato

Stadium Blanket

One of the most common and traditional items that can be found at any American football game is a Stadium Blanket.   Temperatures in the north east can get down to sub-zero status, but even a chilly afternoon doesn’t thwart the most avid and dedicated football fan.

With their custom Logo Stadium Blanket in tow, football fans from Maryland to Main can be found sitting on ice cold football stands huddled under large logo printed Stadium Blankets.

Stadium Blanket

With hundreds of thousands of new stadium blanket sales each year, the opportunity to print an oversized school or company logo on a stadium blanket can’t be ignored.

The size of an average stadium blanket is 50” x 60”, construction is fleece (sweat shirt material) and the fabric is heavy weight.  The edges are hemmed and the blanket is big enough for two or three people.

AMBRO Manufacturing is a custom fabric decorating company based in New Jersey (Go Giants!) and our niche specialty is oversized screen printing.  We print VERY large!  We have found that the perfect logo size for a Stadium Blanket is between 35” and 38” in size.  This size is much larger than most screen printing companies offer, but it’s the smallest of the big prints for us.

Easily seen from across the stadium, your custom logo Stadium Blanket will last a lifetime and the jumbo print on these blankets is simply spectacular.  Logo prints are offered in up to 4 colors, but the most popular option is a single color jumbo logo print.

When placed on a bed or the back of a couch, the logo is very prominent, a Stadium Blanket makes a great collegiate memento as well as a fantastic corporate give-away.

If you are interested in Large Screen Printing and Logo Stadium Blankets, please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.