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Screen Printing Services,Wholesale Foil Printing

Custom Screen Printed T-shirts

All Over Print Shirts, All Over Print T Shirts, All Over Screen Printing, All Over Shirt Print, All Over Sublimation, All Over T Shirt Printing, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Screen Printers, Screen Printing Services, Screen Printing Prices, Silk Screen Printing, T Shirt Screen Printing, Custom Screen Printed T-sCatherine Schumacher

Custom Screen Printed T-shirts

Are you a new business owner and have everything but some work shirts for your employees?  Or maybe you own a popular restaurant and looking for shirts that you can giveaway and sell at your restaurant, why not get some custom screen printed t-shirts?

Custom Screen Printed T-shirts

Custom screen printed t-shirts are t-shirts that are screen printed with a design or logo of your choosing. Screen printing is the printing process where screens in frames are coated in a photosensitive emulsion, dried with a light and then burned with the artwork. After that they are loaded up onto the printing press and covered with ink. After they are covered with ink they are transferred to your t-shirt. You can choose any color ink and any color shirt you would like for your custom screen printed job. You can even get tie-dye shirts!

The possibilities for custom screen printed t-shirts are endless. Any image you come up with you can most likely get screen printed on a t-shirt. Say for example you are going on vacation with your family and you are looking for a funny gift for everyone that they will wear and get a good laugh at? You can get, say a black shirt with an inside joke that only you guys will understand on the front on it in white ink. Or say you are taking your child and a bunch of her friends to the zoo or an amusement park for the day and you are nervous about losing one of their friends in the huge crowds.

You can get them all matching tie-dye shirts with a design that they came up with screen printed on the front or back of the shirt. As I said before the possibilities are endless for custom screen printed t-shirts. if you would like to learn more or order your very own custom screen printed t-shirts, call (908) 806-8337 or email us today.

Screen Printed Sweatshirts

All Over Print Shirts, Oversized Screen Printing, Screen Print Blankets, Screen Printed Bandanas, Screen Printing Services, Silk Screen Printing, Silk Screen Printing Serv, Wholesale Screen Printing, Screen Printed SweatshirtCatherine Schumacher

Screen Printed Sweatshirts

Everyone loves to wear sweatshirts! It doesn’t matter if they are running to the store, going to school, or staying home. You can wear sweatshirts pretty much anywhere you go and they are great for when it’s a chilly fall night. So do you want to spice up you sweatshirts a little? If you do you should get screen printed sweatshirts. With screen printed sweatshirts you can do so much. You can have your sweatshirts screen printed with your school logo, sports logo, or even just a family logo. However you go about getting your sweatshirts screen printed they are great for showing your support and pride in your school, sports team, or family.

Screen Printed Sweatshirts

Screen printed sweatshirts are great for football season being that football season runs right into winter. When rooting for your favorite football team, wear your screen printed sweatshirts to show your pride and team spirit. Maybe your child is a soccer player and you want to cheer for them at their soccer game and show your pride for your child’s team, well you can with your screen printed sweatshirts.

Screen printed sweatshirts are also great for fundraisers. They are great for fundraisers because people love to wear sweatshirts more than anything else. Also if you get them screen printed they won’t just be plain old boring sweatshirts they will spiced up screen printed sweatshirts. You can go with your school logo or you can create a new and improved logo. Or maybe you are doing a fundraiser for a breast cancer walk you can have screen printed sweatshirts made for that. If you are doing a breast cancer walk in the fall screen printed sweatshirts would be a great idea to keep those supporters nice and warm while they walk and support the cause.

Please consider giving us a call (908) 806-8337 or email us.