Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Wholesale Screen Printer,Methods of Textile Printi,Methods of Textile Printi

Methods of Textile Printing

Methods of Textile Printi, Textile Printing, Textile Sublimation PrintSergio Rodriguez

Methods of Textile Printing

Why are there so many methods of textile printing available out there?  Well, there are tons of possible designs to apply so necessarily there’s going to be several ways to approach them.  Also, each of the different methods of textile printing carry their own advantages and drawbacks, which factor in making the right choice for your designs.  So if you’re looking to get into custom textile printing, why don’t you stick around and learn more about the wonderful variety in the garment decoration business?

Methods of Textile Printing

One of the most popular methods of textile printing is screen printing because it’s been around for a long time and it just keeps improving!  Most screen printing is done using plastisol inks because they can easily be reclaimed as they won’t dry up when exposed to air.  When you finish a job you can reclaim the excess ink and use it later which helps keep costs down.  There are other types of ink too, like water based and discharge inks, which are susceptible to drying due to the solvent present in the ink, but the trade-off is a softer hand to the print.  Since water based inks can print over seams, they are a great option for all over and wrap around prints.

There are plenty of other methods textile printing that have nothing to do with screens either.  One such type of printing is a method of digital printing called dye sublimation.  The image gets printed out digitally from a sublimation printer onto a heat transfer sheet and then heat pressed to the garment to create the print; it’s that simple!  If you want to learn more about the different methods of textile printing or you are in need of garment customization, you can come to us at AMBRO Manufacturing!  You can easily place an order, or find out more about our company, by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.

The T Shirt Printers

The T Shirt Printers, Wholesale T-Shirt Screen, Wholesale T-Shirt Printin, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen Printer, Wholesale Contract Screen, Wholesale Clothing Screen, Contract Custom Printing, Contract Printer, Contract Printers, Contract Printing, Contract Printing Service, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Shirt Printing, Contract T Shirt Printing, Create Custom T ShirtsKelly Munzipapa

The T Shirt Printers

The t shirt printers that you are looking for are right here. AMBRO Manufacturing is the t shirt printer for you. We are based in Hunterdon county New Jersey and are family owned and operated. We have been in business for over 30 years and we know what we are doing when it comes to customizing garments. AMBRO Manufacturing does work for people all over the world, while most of the work is for customers in the United States we have had customers from overseas come to us to get their garments printed. You know you have the best t shirt printer when they have companies from China coming to them in the United States to get printing done.

The T Shirt Printers

If you want quality printing done you now know the t shirt printer for you is AMBRO Manufacturing.  We have so many different ways of printing on t shirts. One way of printing that we can provide for you is what every other printer in the United States uses and that is screen printing with plastisol inks. Another way we can print for you is with water based or discharge printing. The difference is that water based inks and discharge inks are much lighter and more breathable and have a much softer hand as to where the plastisol inks are heavier and do not have a soft hand. We can also do sublimation printing as well which is where the inks are actually infused into a garment. But this would all be up to you on how you would like to have your t shirts printing.

If you want the t shirt printers that you have been looking for to print on t shirts for you, you are going to want to give AMBRO Manufacturing a call at (908) 806-8337 or send them an email.