Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Wholesale Screen Printing,Contract Discharge Printe,Contract Discharge Printe

Contract Discharge Printers

Contract Discharge Printe, Discharge and Water Based, Discharge Printing, Discharge Screen Printing, Discharge Printing Method, Discharge Style of Printi, Water Based T Shirt Print, Water Based Screen Printi, Water Based Ink Screen Pr, Water Based Discharge Pri, Water Base Ink Screen PriSergio Rodriguez

Contract Discharge Printers

Are you searching for contract discharge printers that have the capabilities that you need for your custom garments?  Are you an aspiring custom clothing designer that’s looking for the next big thing for your prints?  You might be asking, “How can contract discharge printers affect my printing?”.  Well to figure that out let’s discuss what discharge printing is and what its impacts are.  So if you’re curious about custom discharge printing, stick around and let us at AMBRO Manufacturing tell you all about it.

Contract Discharge Printers

Discharge screen printing is when you use a water based ink with a special discharge agent mixed in to print your custom designs onto garments.  Most standard screen printing is done with plastisol inks which are great for keeping costs low since you can reuse them and they won’t dry up when exposed to air, but there are some drawbacks.  One drawback is that plastisol inks dry stiff and for some, that can be an undesirable ‘hand’ to the print.  Water based inks leave behind a much softer hand, but they are susceptible to drying out so you need to mix just the amount you need and move quickly!  Discharge printing is really just a water based ink that has a discharge agent in it which can remove the garment’s existing color so that you can deposit the desired one in its place.

In discharge printing you will get the softest hand possible because the ink penetrates deeply and doesn’t leave a firm coat on the surface of the garment.  After one or two washes it will feel like the print has always been a part of the garment!  If you are in need of quality contract discharge printers and you want to get started right away, you needn’t look any further than to us here at AMBRO Manufacturing.  You can easily contact us to place an order or to find out more, by email or by giving us a call at (908) 806-8337.

The T Shirt Printers

The T Shirt Printers, Wholesale T-Shirt Screen, Wholesale T-Shirt Printin, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen Printer, Wholesale Contract Screen, Wholesale Clothing Screen, Contract Custom Printing, Contract Printer, Contract Printers, Contract Printing, Contract Printing Service, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Shirt Printing, Contract T Shirt Printing, Create Custom T ShirtsKelly Munzipapa

The T Shirt Printers

The t shirt printers that you are looking for are right here. AMBRO Manufacturing is the t shirt printer for you. We are based in Hunterdon county New Jersey and are family owned and operated. We have been in business for over 30 years and we know what we are doing when it comes to customizing garments. AMBRO Manufacturing does work for people all over the world, while most of the work is for customers in the United States we have had customers from overseas come to us to get their garments printed. You know you have the best t shirt printer when they have companies from China coming to them in the United States to get printing done.

The T Shirt Printers

If you want quality printing done you now know the t shirt printer for you is AMBRO Manufacturing.  We have so many different ways of printing on t shirts. One way of printing that we can provide for you is what every other printer in the United States uses and that is screen printing with plastisol inks. Another way we can print for you is with water based or discharge printing. The difference is that water based inks and discharge inks are much lighter and more breathable and have a much softer hand as to where the plastisol inks are heavier and do not have a soft hand. We can also do sublimation printing as well which is where the inks are actually infused into a garment. But this would all be up to you on how you would like to have your t shirts printing.

If you want the t shirt printers that you have been looking for to print on t shirts for you, you are going to want to give AMBRO Manufacturing a call at (908) 806-8337 or send them an email.