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Spirit Wear For Elementary Schools

Contract Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

Spirit Wear For Elementary Schools

If you have been put in charge of your spirit wear for elementary schools program, you are probably freaking out a little.  Maybe you were in a meeting and you accidentally raised your hand to ask a question and they put you in charge of spirit wear for elementary schools, or worse, maybe you weren't at the meeting and you were assigned the task!  LOL.

Regardless, the responsibility is now yours, so what's next? 

Spirit Wear For Elementary Schools

Here is advice that we learned the hard way on how to make your spirit wear for elementary schools program a success.

1.  Don't offer your parents/students more than a handful of items.  4-5 items at the most is plenty.  What happens if you offer more items, is that parents/students can't decide what to do and the end up buying less or nothing and that hurts your fundraising efforts.

2.  When setting up spirit wear for elementary school programs, NEVER offer more than one of the same item type.  For example, if you are selling a T-Shirt, only have 1 T-Shirt design.  Don't offer it in Red, Green, Blue etc ... don't have 2-3 designs that they can pick from, don't offer versions where the logo is big and versions where the logo is small.  Offer just 1 T-Shirt.  Offer just 1 Sweat Shirt.  When you "version" your items, people buy less.  If you only have one choice, that's what they have to buy if they want anything.

3.  Create a paper order form to hand out and take orders, or launch a free online store.  We recommend the online store option, because it puts the responsibility for accuracy and deadline meeting in the hands of your parents/students.  As the coordinating volunteer of your spirit wear for elementary schools program, if you go with a paper order form option, all of the responsibility is in your hands.  Even change orders, cancellations, additions, late order form "hander inners" you don't need that stress.  Go with a free online store for your program.

4.  If you get everything in bulk when it's done being printed, don't hand anything out to anyone until you've counted and separated everything yourself.  There will be parents/students that see you walking in with boxes and bags full of cool stuff, don't let them take anything from you until you've inventoried it.  If you let anyone touch the order, you'll end up missing sizes that you thought that you ordered.  Think about it, if someone ordered a small, but took a medium and it fits them.  They are not going to return it.  So now the person that actually ordered that medium, is stuck with their small that doesn't fit.  It's a logistics issue.  Keep hold of the whole order, count it, bag it by person, or better yet, pay your contract screen printer to bag it, and then hand it out.

5.  Keep your design simple and practical so that when your spirit wear for elementary schools program is a success, you can easily replicate your design on other promotional items like pens, bags, notebooks etc ...

We're experts at spirit wear for elementary schools, if you have been tasked with launching a successful fundraising program around your schools spirit wear, then please consider giving us a call, we would enjoy helping and we're a one-stop-shop for all of your spirit wear for elementary school needs.

High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers

Contract Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen PrintingDarren Amato

High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers

Getting into the screen printing business and positioning yourself as a high end screen printer and wholesaler is not very difficult. 

For just under $5,000 someone can set themselves up with a respectable piece of manual equipment, hang a shingle and be in business.

With a good web developer and another $2,000 that same business can make themselves look like they are huge, have been in business for years and are well established, even though they just started a week ago.

High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers

High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers

High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers

So yes, it's scary out there when you are looking for a high end screen printer and wholesaler.  So what can you do to ensure yourself that you are partnering with the right contract screen printer?

It's not too difficult if you follow these simple steps.

1.  Ask for a tour of the shop -  If you are working with someone local or semi-local, it's worth your time and effort to go visit their physical location.  If you are working with someone out of their basement, there is nothing wrong with that, just make sure that you are aware that  you are.

2.  Ask for referrals - Ask your high end screen printer and wholesaler partner to provide you with references that you can check.  Ask for at least 3, and tell them that you want at least 1 that is someone that won't say something nice about them.  They are not perfect and you shouldn't expect them to be, but you want a diverse opinion on their services.

3.  Ask for a list of capabilities that are done IN HOUSE - Most contract screen printers will say "yes" to anything, and then if they can't do something, they will sub-contract it out.  That's fine if you don't want to be bothered with it, but if all they are doing is making a phone call and charging you 20% for that, you can make the call yourself.  So find out what they do IN HOUSE and what they don't. 

4.  Ask for samples of their work - Most high end screen printers and wholesalers have tons of samples in their warehouse.  They should be happy to provide them to you.

5.  Talk to the people - Spend time on the phone with who you will be working with weekly.  You need to know if you get along with them and if they are good and consistent communicators.

Finding a high end screen printer and wholesaler is not easy, but if you do your research, it will be worth it in the end.  If you would like to talk to us about High End Screen Printers and Wholesalers (cuz we are one) then please give us a call (908) 806-8337 X103 and ask for Darren.