Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Wholesale Screen Printing,Silk Screen Printers,Silk Screen Printers

Wholesale T-Shirt Printing for Resellers

Contract Printer, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Shirt Printing, Contract Sublimation, Contract T Shirt Printing, Wholesale Clothing Screen, Wholesale Screen Printer, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale T-Shirt ScreenKelly Munzipapa

Wholesale T-Shirt Printing for Resellers

Are you a reseller? Do you have customers calling you looking to get t-shirt printing done? Do you want to find a screen printing company that does wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers? These are all legitimate questions to be asking yourself prior to taking the plunge into the wholesale screen printing world. If you want to find someone who does wholesale t-shirts printing for resellers you may think you are going to have to do a lot of searching and calling and much more. But the truth is you do not have to look any further because AMBRO Manufacturing is the place for wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers.

Wholesale T-Shirt Printing for Resellers

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we have been supplying wholesale screen printing for resellers for over 25 years now and looking to do so for many years to come. AMBRO Manufacturing has great competitive pricing for wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers. You can also send us your garments and we will print right on them for you. Or if there is something you cannot get but you need it and we can get it we would be more than happy to get those items for you.

You will be very happy if you choose to do wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers here with AMBRO Manufacturing because we work closely with our customers to make sure that they are getting exactly what they want and need. We just know you will love the quality of the work that we do when you received your garments.

So if you are a reseller and you are looking for wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers and you think that AMBRO Manufacturing may be the place for you.  Email us or give us a call at (908) 806-8337 and we would be more than happy to help you out with any questions you may have about wholesale t-shirt printing for resellers.

Silk Screen Printers

Silk Screen Print T-Shirt, Silk Screen Printing, Silk Screen T Shirt Print, Silk Screening Plastic, T-Shirt Printing Company, T Shirt Screen Printing, Silk Screen PrintersSergio Rodriguez

Silk Screen Printers

Have you ever wondered how some of the garments you see in outlet stores came to be?  How are they able to create such eye catching prints on clothing?  How can they still look so good after many washes?  Well, it is all possible through silk screen printing.  Silk screen printers are just like any other artists that need to know the ins and outs of the medium they work with.  Knowing how to create high quality prints takes time, finesse, and expertise.  When done correctly, silk screen printing will produce a long lasting, beautiful custom garment for any occasion.

Silk Screen Printers

Screen printing gets its name from the silk mesh screens that are used in the printing process.  These screens are coated in an emulsion that completely blocks the tiny holes in the mesh.  The artwork is separated into layers that contain only one of the colors in the design per layer.  The layers are then individually etched into the screen, exposing the holes in the pattern of the design.  The screens are mounted onto a printing press in sequence and then loaded with the appropriate ink color.  The silk screen printers then load the blank garments onto the press and lay the screen over the fabric.  A squeegee will pull the ink across the screen, depositing a layer of ink onto the garment.  When all of the screens have had a pass of ink, the design is complete and it is ready to be dried and set.

It’s a lot of steps to accomplish at home so that’s why it’s best to let the professional silk screen printers handle the work.  At AMBRO Manufacturing we are more than happy to take on the work so you don’t have to.  You can contact us to place an order, or to find out more about us, by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.