Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation and Embroidery

High Quality, Reasonably Priced Contract Screen Printing, Sublimation & Embroidery

Stadium Blanket,Get Printed T Shirts,Get Printed T Shirts

Get Printed T Shirts

Get Printed T Shirts, Wholesale T-Shirt Screen, Wholesale T-Shirt Printin, Wholesale Silk Screen Pri, Wholesale Screen Printing, Wholesale Screen Printer, Wholesale Printed T Shirt, Create Custom T Shirts, Contract Screen Printer, Contract Printing Service, Contract Screen Printers, Contract Screen Printing, Contract Shirt Printing, Contract Printing, Contract Printers, Contract Printer, Contract Embroidery, Contract Embroidery PriceKelly Munzipapa

Get Printed T Shirts

There are thousands of screen printing shops around the world. But are you looking to get printed t shirts in the United States? Are you looking for a company that does a stunning job and are reasonably priced? There is a company based out of New Jersey that you will love to get printed t shirts from. This Company is known as AMBRO Manufacturing. They can do much more than just your basic screen printing. You will love the work that you get from AMBRO Manufacturing.

Get Printed T Shirts

At AMBRO Manufacturing we can offer you more than your basic plastisol screen printing. AMBRO Manufacturing offers 2 other types of printing as well. One type of printing that AMBRO Manufacturing offers is Discharge screen printing. Discharge screen printing can only be done on 100% cotton and very dark colors like black or navy. Then there is water based acrylic ink that can be used as well. This you can use on just about any material and it will still have a soft hand. You will love it if you choose to do discharge or acrylic printing because they are both water based and the end result will leave you stunned. With how soft the hand is and the look you will never want to use plastisol screen printing again.

If you want to get printed t shirts from AMBRO Manufacturing all you need to do is reach out and contact them. You can easily contact AMBRO Manufacturing through email or by phone at (908) 806-8337. You will speak with one of their reps who would be more than happy to help you out or answer any questions you may have. There is nothing better than working with a company that you know will get the job done the right way and on time.